Dorothy Nelkin (ed.), Controversy: Politics of Technical Decisions, 3rd ed. (Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1992)

Science, Technology, and Political Conflict: Analyzing the Issues (Dorothy Nelkin)

PART I. Moral Sentiments Versus the Instrumental Values of Science

1. The Fetal Research Dispute (Steven Maynard-Moody)

2. The Animal Rights Controversy (Dorothy Nelkin and James M. Jasper)

3. The Surrogacy Controversy: Making and Remaking the Family (Nadine Taub)

PART II. Political Priorities Versus Environmental Values

4. Holes in the Ozone Layer: A Global Environmental Controversy (Michael S. Brown and Katherine A. Lyon)

5. The Wreck of Exxon Valdez (Lee Clarke)

6. Three Nuclear Energy Controversies (James M. Jasper)

PART III. Economic Interests Versus Controlling Health Risks

7. The Diet-Cancer Debate (Stephen Hilgartner)

8. Setting Occupational Health Standards: The Vinyl Chloride Case (Michael S. Brown)

9. Genetic Testing in the Workplace: Competing Paradigms of Technological Advance (Elaine Draper)

PART IV. Individual Rights Versus Social Goals

10. The Creation-Evolution Controversy (Dorothy Nelkin)

11. Testing for AIDS: The Dilemmas of Controlling Disease (Sally Guttmacher)

12. Regulating Recombinant DNA Research and Its Applications (Sheldon Krimsky)